Monday, May 8, 2017

Week Thirty Four

w e e k  r e p o r t


------> Happy birthday June and Betty $$$$$$$$

Week was cool

I asked my comp Elder Ferrada if he believed in mermaids and he said "yes, because the ocean is huge, but they are prob more like fish than humans"

We visited the Hoyos family. Their neighbor Louis is always there. He was in the us army in Israel in (91?) but he was showing me these letters he got from a lover in Paris named Iris. They were in English so he wanted me to translate them for him. But they were super personal letters so it was kind of awkward.

Pretty much all our investigators need to get married and to get married you need your original birth certificate and for some reason, all our investigators have their documents 12 hours away in the coast so we had a few mtgs where we made people call their moms to send them their documents. It was funny... ...?

We had a service with the zone leaders originally to move wood cutters, but we got their when the cutters had already been moved so we just cleaned sawdust. And they only had 2 brooms so we cleaned w machetes which was good.

ill try to think of other stuff.