Brother and Sister Blair,
You have a great son! Sister Laney and I just love him! He always has a smile that brightens the room and a positive attitude. I wanted to share part of a weekly letter that he wrote to me on Monday:
One thing my mom would always tell me is "get in problem solving mode". 5 words which I probably took for granted but help a ton now. I realize that there is never nothing to do in the mission field. If the cita is cancelled- contact. No one to contact- Visit a member. No one home- Make calls etc etc etc. One nugget of advice my dad gave me before I left was to learn to love work. I feel like that especially rings true for me. I always feel the best when im working hard.
Well, that explains why he is such a wonderful missionary. Thank you for sending such a great missionary to Colombia!
Robert Laney
Misión Colombia Bogotá Norte